My heart beats with deep compassion, knowing many you will understand some of these same frailties, sorrows, and tragedies I've passed through.
In this chapter, I share Four Warrior Lies I believed that later became my demise.
Warrior Lie #1: Your worth is based on performance, looks, and popularity.
During my middle school years I felt defeated and like a failure. I didn't feel like I mattered or wasn't good enough. I didn't feel much like a Warrior either. I was a teeny bopper, awkward, tall, and gangly, with braces and pimples. I embarrassed easily. My outgoing personality began to fade away...
I was mad at God.
Where was the joy I once felt?
I wanted to be wild and free!
I began to party and find ways to make myself feel better.
It seemed to take away the loneliness and pain of being shy, insecure, and average.
I was riding the wave of rebellion and headed for a MASSIVE CRASH!