Cast the Vision!
Hope was seen on the horizon. Joy flickered in the atmosphere, Signs of change, like springtime, Began to breakthrough The hardened...
Cast the Vision!
Discover your Calling
Hope in God
Trust in God
The Heart of a Warrior
Warrior Tactic #4 - Passionate Prayers Set on Victory!
Warrior Tactic #1: Journaling - Be a World Changer!
Born for such a time as this! (Journal Entry 1-4-23)
The Unforced Rhythms of God's Grace (Photography by PJ Clark - Journal Entry 7-27-24)
Break Free! (Journal Entry 4-6-24)
This is a time for bold courage! (Journal Entry 4-14-23)
Undone! (Journal Entry Poetry 1-17-24)
Let the card making begin!
Step One - Connect: Make Time and Space for You and God
Ten Life-Changing Benefits to Journaling!
The Art and Soul of Journaling: An Invitation